Involve your parents

As you get started with your college planning process, be sure to include your parents in your college planning discussions, especially if you are unsure about what kind of school will meet your needs both academically and financially. However, remember that at the end of the day, where you decide to go to college is up to you. While others may try to give you reasons why you should go to a certain college, only you can make your final decision.

Tips for Effective Parent-Teacher Communication

An effective parent teacher communication can go a long way to helping a student succeed academically.

6 Great Gift Ideas To Surprise Your Student With

It is always great to celebrate your student's milestone achievement

The Cost of College is rising. What can you do about it?

5 helpful strategies including protecting your tuition investment

The Hidden Trapdoors Of Putting Your Kids Through College

What are the true college costs?

Preparation is the key to getting into college

Families face new challenges preparing for college in today’s ever-changing educational landscape.

Communicating with parents about their child’s assets

Starting the conversation about financial aid

College Savings Plans | 529 Savings plan

Paying for college with options like a 529 savings plan

Leaving Home | Empty Nest Syndrome

Tips for leaving home thoughtfully

Student Financial Aid

Answers to your Mom and Dad’s questions about student financial aid

Parents have a say, too

When deciding on a school, reach out to those who know you best

State schools explained

Understanding public colleges and universities can help your family explore all its educational options.

My story - first generation to college

Even if you are a first generation college student, you can use your parents’ experience and enthusiasm for education to help you reach college

Avoid a family feud when planning for college

Planning for college can be stressful enough without adding parent-teen angst in the equation! Here are some tips on how to handle some potentially difficult situations

Dealing with a teen leaving home

How to deal when your teen is about to leave the nest

What to do if you need help paying for college

Tips for families on what to do or think about when considering college costs and the costs involved in earning a college degree

Your Path College Search

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