Consider A Community College Or Technical School

Students who decide to take a gap year do so for a variety of reasons. You can use that time to travel, to earn money for college or just to take time off from some of the burnout from high school. However, don’t use it as an excuse just to sit at home. There are a variety of options you can pursue during your gap year and here we give you some ideas and resources to help you get started.

Are Non-Accredited Certifications Worth Pursuing?

With the increase in certification programs, many are non-accredited.

How to get ahead with a community college

What are the benefits to attending a community college

What's the deal with the President's community college initiative?

We break down what we know so far about the proposal

Associate Degree Jobs | Best Two Year Degrees

If you want to get into the workforce quickly, consider these careers you can pursue at a community college.

Should you do a 2+2?

Pursuing a degree can be as easy as 2+2

Community colleges have housing options too

Offering students typical college life

Tuition Cost | Community College

Tuition cost isn't the only reason community college is a great deal

5 community college majors to consider

Start training for your career with these programs

Why visit a community college?

Head to a community college campus senior year

Career colleges offer hands-on programs

If you’re looking for practical, hands-on training for a variety of career fields, consider career colleges

Save money by attending community college

Why you should consider starting your college degree at a community college

Great ways to use a community college

Start using your local community college in high school, and you’ll be ahead of the rest of your peers

How to get ahead with a community college

Try fulfilling your general education requirements at a community college—where you can earn both high school and college credit!

Is a community college for you?

Never thought of yourself as community college material? These three perks might change your mind.

Consider a community college for your next step!

Starting to look at colleges? Attending a community college is a better idea than you might think

Your Path College Search

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