Make a Decision

You’ve come so far in your college planning process and now it’s time for one of the most important decisions you’ll make – choosing a college. We’re here to help you make that decision a little bit easier with resources on everything from what can help you decide to what you do after your deposit is in.

6 Helpful Suggestions for Making Your College Acceptance Decision

Decisions, decisions as the May 1 student reply deadline approaches

STEM Student Profile: Aubury Erickson

STEM education and how it prepares college students for the jobs of the future.

5 Things to Consider Before Accepting an Admissions Offer

Consider these five things to help ease your mind as you decide

5 things you should know about before choosing a college

Cost and course availability are just some of the things to consider.

What are you going to do with THAT?

Liberal arts programs offer a world of possibilities

Girl power!

Advantages of choosing a woman's college

College Reviews

How to pick the best college for you

Not sure about traditional college?

We asked the experts about alternatives for you

After you've made your decision

Here are 5 tips for stress-free waiting

How to cope with rejection

Didn't get into that college you were hoping for? Here's how to deal.

Questions to ask about support for students with disabilities

Know your rights at the college of your choice

Why I chose college as my next step

I’ve always known that I’d go to college. The hard part was deciding which one

Too confused to choose a college?

Make sure the college you pick has the activities you already enjoy

Rejected?! how to deal when a college doesn’t accept you

You may experience symptoms of grief if a college denies you, but you still have options when it comes to college planning

Would You Like a Car to Go With That Bumper Sticker?: Eight questions to ask when deciding between colleges

Article provided by

Your Path College Search

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