Recruit Doctor

Recruiting advice for juniors

Recruit Doctor

Q: I am a junior and need some advice on what I should be doing to help my college athletic career. Help! Thanks, Maggie (Chicago, IL).

First, register with the NCAA Eligibility Center by the end of your junior year. Then, meet with your school counselor and see if your courses correspond with the NCAA Eligibility Center for DI or DII athletics. Check your GPA with your school counselor and see if any summer courses are needed for the NCAA scale of SAT/ACT eligibility scores.

Highlight video
Create an appropriate highlight video. Remember, just because people can add special effects does NOT mean it is a video that a college coach should view!

College athletic prep program
Are you currently preparing yourself athletically and technically for the transition to college athletics? You should have an idea of where you need to be based on your sport, division and schools of interest. Check out the athletes at the schools you are considering and that will give you a benchmark.

Research athletic programs
Research individual athletic programs online, looking at playing time, positions needed for your incoming year and retention of players. This will help narrow down your list of schools.

Contact college coaches
Follow proper protocol when contacting coaches to give yourself the best opportunity, Schedule a visit to campus while school is still in session to get a feel for the coach, players and school environment. Be prepared to meet and talk to coaches and players.

Chris Bianchi is president of Red Penguin Athletics (, an athlete placement service in upstate N.Y.


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