Scholarship Grants

Check out this list of little known scholarship grants

Scholarship Grants

Check out these listings for scholarship money! We’ve done our best to provide you with the most accurate info for each scholarship, but be sure to contact each organization for a complete application.Good luck!

Scholarship name: Stuck at Prom Contest

Organization: Duck Brand Duct Tape

Number: 6

Amount: Up to $2,500

Deadline: June

Award requirements: Applicants must be at least 14 years old and attending a high school prom in the spring. You must be a U.S. citizen, enter as a couple (two individuals) and attend a high school prom wearing complete attire or accessories made from duct tape. Each couple must submit a color photograph of the two of you together in prom attire. Awards range from honorable mention prizes of Duck Tape sportswear to a first-place prize of a $2,500 scholarship for each member of the winning couple and a $2,500 cash prize to the school that hosts the prom.

For more info:

Organization: Hispanic College Fund

Number: 20

Amount: $2,500

Deadline: October

Award requirements: Applicants must be Hispanic college students who are pursing teaching careers.

For more info: Hispanic Scholarship Fund; 55 Second Street, Suite 1500; San Francisco, CA 94105; [email protected].

Scholarship name: Scholarship

Number: 1

Amount: $1,500

Award requirements: Financial award must be used toward a construction education at a postsecondary level or the purchase of tools for an individual able to prove his or her employment in a construction field. Payment is made directly to the institution or tool supplier. Funds must be refunded if the recipient does not remain in the program or job they specified for at least one year from the time the funds are received, or if final course grades are D or below.

For more info:; [email protected]; (414) 272-0943.

Scholarship name: OP Loftbed $500 Scholarship Award

Number: 1

Amount: $500

Award requirements: The OP Loftbed Scholarship Award is awarded by the OP Loftbed Company to a student whom the judges feel provided the most interesting answers to a set of questions.

For more info: [email protected];

Organization: NAACP

Number: More than 100

For more info: For an application, write to NAACP Education Department; Scholarships; 4805 Mount Hope Drive; Baltimore, MD 21215.

Scholarship name: Young Epidemiology Scholars student competition

Organization: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The College Board

Number: Up to 120

Amount: Up to $50,000

Deadline: Feb. 6

Award requirements: Outstanding original research projects which that apply the principles of epidemiology to a health-related area.

For more info:

Organization: National Italian American Foundation

Amount: $2,000 to $5,000

Deadline: April 30, 2004

Award requirements: Online application available in January; must either be an Italian-American with outstanding academic achievement or student from any ethnicity studying Italian language, culture or related field.

For more info:

Organization: DECA

Amount: Varies; average $1,000

Deadline: Feb. 15

Award requirements: Complete an application, available online Oct. 20, for merit scholarships offered by more than 50 corporations to DECA members.

For more info:

Organization: Society of Women Engineers

Amount: $1,000 to $5,000

Deadline: May 15 (for freshmen scholarships)

Award requirements: Freshmen scholarships open to women studying engineering or computer science in an accredited program with a minimum GPA of 3.5. Must be enrolled in a collegewhen applying.

For more info:

Organization: Society of Professional Journalists

Amount: $300 to $1,000 nationally; local scholarships vary

Deadline: Varies

Award requirements: Applicants must write a 300 to 500-word essay.

For more info:

Scholarship name: AXA Achievement Organization: AXA Financial

Number: 52  

Amount: $10,000  

Deadline: Dec. 15, 2003  

Award requirements: Applicants must be U.S. citizens in their senior year of high school. An adult professional who can attest to their achievement must recommend students for this award. Must demonstrate ambition and self-drive as evidenced by their description of an outstanding achievement they have accomplished in a nonacademic activity or project.  

For more info: [email protected];   

Scholarship name: College Scholarship Program  


Number: 10  

Amount: $1,000  

Deadline: Dec. 31, 2003  

Award requirements: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents with GPAs of 2.5 or higher to apply. Applicants must be in their senior year of high school or high school graduates at the time of application. Applicants are required to write a 50 to 200-word essay on who has had the greatest impact on their lives, and a 50 to 200-word essay on what they hope to achieve in their personal and professional lives after completing college.   

For more info: [email protected];  

Scholarship name: NSSAR George S. and Stella M. Knight Essay Contest

Organization: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution  

Number: 3

Amount: State and chapter prizes vary; check with chairpeople for more information. National awards are $3,000 (first place); $2,000 (second place); and $1,000 (third place).

Deadline: Dec. 31, 2003  

Award requirements: This is an essay contest. The contest is for an original researched and proven topic written in English. The topic of the essay shall deal with an event, person, philosophy, or ideal associated with the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence, or the framing of the United States Constitution. The contest must be entered through a chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution near the student’s residence. In some cases, the contest may be entered at the state level. Only one entry per student is permitted each year. The essay must be between 750 and 1,000 words.

For more info:  [email protected];  

Scholarship name: Profile in Courage Essay Scholarship

Organization: John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library Foundation  

Number: 7  

Amount: $500 to $3,000  

Deadline: Jan. 10, 2004  

Award requirements: Applicants must complete registration form online. Completed essays, no more than 1,000 words, may be submitted online. Essays must address one of the following two topics: A current elected official in the United States who is acting courageously to address a political issue at the local, state, national or international level; or an elected public official in the United States since 1956 who has acted courageously to address a political issue at the local, state, national or international level. Applicants must ask their English or history teachers to nominate them and to sign the registration forms. Students must be U.S. citizens enrolled in high school at time of application.   

For more info:   

Scholarship name: 2004 National Peace Essay Contest  

Organization: United States Institute of Peace  

Number: One winner per state; each state winner will compete for national awards.

Amount: $1,000 to $10,000  

Deadline: Jan. 22, 2004

Award requirements: Applicants must be in grades 9 through 12, and be U.S. citizens. This is an essay contest. The topic is rebuilding societies after conflict. Students must write a 1,500-word essay in which they select two cases where post-conflict reconstruction was undertaken, at least one of which should be post-Cold War.  

For more info:  

Scholarship name: High School Poster Contest  

Organization: The Christophers  

Number: 8  

Amount: $100 to $1,000  

Deadline: Jan. 23, 2004

Award requirements: Applicants must be U.S. citizens and currently enrolled in high school in grades 9 through 12. The posters will be judged on overall impact, effectiveness in conveying the theme, originality and artistic merit. Entry forms are available online. Posters must include the statement “You can make a difference” and illustrate the idea that one person can change the world for the better.  

For more info: [email protected],  

School: Alfred State College

Scholarship name: Distinguished Scholar: Excellence in Education

Amount:  Free tuition, room (double occupancy) and board (18-meal plan)

Deadline: May 1

Award requirements: 93 or better high school average through junior year; 1200 combined SAT or 26 composite ACT score.

For more info, contact: Alfred State College, Office of admissions; Alfred, NY 14802; 800-4-ALFRED; [email protected].

School: Alfred State College

Scholarship name: Distinguished Scholar: Presidential

Amount: Free room (double occupancy)

Deadline: May 1

Award requirements: 90 or better high school average through junior year; 1150 combined SAT or 25 composite ACT score.

For more info, contact: Alfred State College; Office of admissions; Alfred, NY 14802; 800-4-ALFRED; [email protected].

School: Alfred State College

Scholarship name: Distinguished Scholar: All-American

Amount: Free board (18-meal plan)

Deadline: May 1

Award requirements: 88 or better high school average through junior year; 1100 combined SAT or 24 composite ACT score.

For more info, contact: Alfred State College; Office of admissions; Alfred, NY 14802; 800-4-ALFRED; [email protected].

School: Alfred State College

Scholarship name: Millennium Scholarship

Amount: $3,000 per year

Deadline: April 1

Award requirements: Applicants must be U.S. citizens, nationals or aliens admitted as refugees; Pell Grant eligible and submit necessary financial aid paperwork; be accepted for full-time study in the areas of computer science, engineering, and mathematics; complete the Alfred State College Millennium Scholarship application; prepare a brief essay on career goals; and provide two to three letters of recommendation.

For more info, contact: Alfred State College; Office of Admissions; Alfred, NY 14802; 800-4-ALFRED; [email protected].

School: Daemen College

Scholarship name: President’s Scholarship

Amount: $8,000 to $5,000

Deadline: May 1

Award requirements: Awarded annually to full-time freshmen or transfer students with a minimum 90 percent GPA and 1100 SAT or 24 ACT score.  

For more info: Call Cecil Foster (716) 839-8225 or [email protected].

School: Daemen College

Scholarship name: Dean’s Scholarship

Amount: $7,000 to $4,000

Deadline: May 1

Award requirements: Awarded annually to full-time freshmen or transfer students with a minimum 80 percent GPA and 1000 SAT or 22 ACT score.

For more info: Call Cecil Foster (716) 839-8225 or [email protected].

School: Daemen College

Scholarship name: Alumni Grant

Amount: $6,000 to $2,000

Deadline: May 1

Award requirements: Awarded annually to full-time freshmen or transfer students with a minimum 80 percent GPA and 900 SAT or 18 ACT.

For more info: Call Cecil Foster (716) 839-8225 or [email protected].

School: Daemen College

Scholarship grant name: Visual Arts Scholarship

Amount: $5,000

Deadline: May 1

Award requirements: This scholarship is awarded to freshmen art students whose portfolios reflect outstanding talent as determined by an art faculty review.

For more info: Call Cecil Foster (716) 839-8225 or [email protected].

School: D’Youville College

Scholarship grant name: Honors Scholarship

Amount: 50 percent off tuition, 25 percent off total room and board

Deadline: Awarded upon acceptance

Award requirements: 1100 SAT or 24 ACT scores.

For more info: Call admissions at 800-777-3921.

School: D’Youville College

Scholarship grant name: Academic Initiative Scholarship

Amount: 25 percent off tuition; 50 percent off total room and board

Deadline: Awarded upon acceptance

Award requirements: 1000 SAT or 21 to 23 ACT scores; minimum 85 average.

For more info: Call admissions at 800-777-3921.

School: D’Youville College

Scholarship grant name: Achievement Scholarship

Amount: $1,000 to $4,000

Deadline: Awarded upon acceptance

Award requirements: 900 to 1090 SAT or 19-23 ACT scores; minimum 80 average

For more info: Call admissions at 800-777-3921.

Organization: New York Women in Communications Inc. Foundation

Amount: $10,000; Renewable.

Majors: Communications-related fields, such as advertising, broadcasting, journalism, marketing, new media or public relations.

Deadline: Jan. 31

Award requirements: High school senior or undergrad with a permanent residence in N.Y. N.J., Conn. or Penn. GPA of 3.5 or better in their major and a 3.0 overall. High school GPA of 3.5 or better.

For more info:

School: Pace University

Number: Up to five

Amount: $1,000; Renewable

Deadline: March

Award requirements: High school senior with an SAT score of at least 1,100, cumulative average of 85% or above. Complete Pace University application and FAFSA form. Recommendations from a Junior Achievement high school programs consultant or Junior Achievement area president.

For more info: Director of Undergraduate Admission; Pace University; 861 Bedford Road; Pleasantville, NY 10570;  (914) 773-3321;

School: Rochester Institute of Technology

Scholarship grant name: RIT Presidential Scholarships

Amount: $3,000 to $9,000 per year

Deadline: Must apply for admission by February 1. (All admission candidates are reviewed automatically.)

Award requirements: Students must rank in top 10 percent of their class and score at least 1220 on the SAT or 27 on the ACT. Students may also qualify if they rank in top 20 percent of class and score 1280 or higher on SAT or 28 ACT composite.

For more info: [email protected]; (585) 475-6631.

School: Rochester Institute of Technology

Scholarship grant name: RIT National Merit Scholarships

Amount: $2,000 per year

Deadline: Feb. 1

Award requirements: Must be a National Merit semifinalists or finalists who applies for admission by February 1.

For more info: [email protected].

School: Rochester Institute of Technology

Scholarship grant name: RIT Merit Scholarships

Amount: $1,000 to $5,000 per year

Award requirements: Normally awarded to students who do not meet combined SAT/rank criteria for RIT Presidential Scholarships but have achieved an outstanding academic record in the judgement of the Scholarship Selection Committee.

For more info: [email protected].

School: Rochester Institute of Technology

Scholarship grant name: RIT/SAE engineering scholarships

Amount: $5,000 per year

Deadline: Scholarship application: Dec. 1; Admission application: Feb. 1

Award requirements: Given to 25 outstanding freshmen each year entering an engineering or engineering technology major at RIT.

For more info:

Scholarship grant name: Roothbert Fund Inc. Scholarships

Number: 20; Renewable.

Amount: $500 to $3,000

Deadline: Feb. 1

Award requirements: Applicant must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in U.S. institution and have satisfying academic standards.

For more info: Roothbert Fund Drive; 475 Riverside Fund Room 252; NY, NY 10115.

School: St. John Fisher College

Scholarship grant name: Service Scholars Program

Amount: One-third of the total yearly cost of tuition, fees, and room and board for four years ($8,350 per year in 2003-2004)

Deadline: Nominations due by December 8, 2003.  Students may be nominated by a teacher, guidance counselor, clergy member, or community leader.

Award requirements: Awarded to high school seniors planning to attend Fisher directly from high school who exhibit a commitment to community service through activities in their schools, places of worship and community service agencies.

For more info: Call Stacy Ledermann at (585) 385-8064.

School: St. John Fisher College

Scholarship grant name: First Generation Scholarship Program

Amount: Recipients will receive annual awards ranging from $4,500 to one-third of resident student costs.

Deadline: Nominations due by December 8, 2003. Students may be nominated by a teacher, guidance counselor, clergy member or community leader.

Award requirements: Awarded to high school seniors who exhibit a high degree of motivation and academic potential and whose parents did not attend a post-secondary institution.

For more info: Call Stacy Ledermann at (585) 385-8064.

School: St. John Fisher College

Scholarship grant name: Honors Program

Amount: $2,500 ($2,000 in scholarship and $500 in the form of a book voucher

Deadline: Requires an invitation from the Program Director and completion of a separate scholarship application, which is automatically sent to eligible students in early February.

Award requirements: For academically superior students who plan to enter Fisher as full-time freshmen directly out of high school.

For more info: Call Stacy Ledermann at (585) 385-8064.

School: St. John Fisher College

Scholarship grant name: Science Scholars Program

Amount: $2,500 ($2,000 in scholarship and $500 in the form of a book voucher); Science scholars also receive a laptop computer to use throughout their four years of enrollment at Fisher.

Deadline: Requires an invitation from the Program Director and completion of a separate scholarship application, which is automatically sent to eligible students in early February.

Award requirements: For academically superior students who intend to major in biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, mathematics or technology and who plan to enter Fisher as full-time freshmen directly out of high school.

For more info: Call Stacy Ledermann at (585) 385-8064.

School: Trocaire College

Scholarship grant name: Presidential Scholarship

Amount: $2,000/academic year

Deadline: None

Award requirements: Must be recommended by guidance counselor.

For more info:

School: Trocaire College

Scholarship grant name: McAuley Scholarship

Amount: Full tuition

Deadline: First come, first served

Award requirements: Two awards given each year to students with a 92 or higher average and an SAT score of 1200 or more. Must maintain a 3.0 semester average.

For more info:

School: SUNY Cobleskill

Scholarship grant name: Student Ambassador Scholarship

Number: 40

Amount: Cost of a shared double room for two years. (Approx. $7,420 for two years.)

Award requirements: Must demonstrate academic excellence, leadership and have good interpersonal skills. Personal interview is required. Students normally have a 92 or higher high school average and an 1100 SAT composite score or a 23 ACT composite score. Must live on campus and participate in Office of Admission’s Student Ambassador Program at least four hours each week.

For more info:

School: SUNY Cobleskill

Scholarship grant name: Schoharie County Community Scholarship

Amount: $1,000

Award requirements: For residents of Schoharie County or graduates of a Schoharie County high school with academic ability, personal initiative and financial need. Students should have a 90 or higher high school average and a 1000 or higher SAT composite or 21 or higher ACT composite.

For more info:

School: SUNY Cobleskill

Scholarship grant name: Kenneth E. Wing Scholarship

Award requirements: For students in an agricultural and natural resources major who are from a rural area of N.J., N.Y., Penn. or New England. Selection is based on citizenship, scholarship and leadership with extra consideration given to those with FFA or 4-H experience.

For more info:

School: SUNY Cobleskill

Scholarship grant name: Hector Boiardi Memorial Scholarship

Amount: $1,000

Award requirements: For incoming culinary arts or restaurant management majors who have evidence of academic achievement and financial need.

For more info:


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