University of Connecticut

The University of Connecticut is one of the top public research universities in the nation, with more than 30,000 students pursuing answers to critical questions in labs, lecture halls, and the community. Knowledge exploration throughout the University’s network of campuses is united by a culture of innovation. An unprecedented commitment from the state of Connecticut ensures UConn attracts internationally renowned faculty and the world’s brightest students. A tradition of coaching winning athletes makes UConn a standout in Division l sports and fuels our academic spirit. As a vibrant, progressive leader, UConn fosters a diverse and dynamic culture that meets the challenges of a changing global society.

Actuarial Sciencex  
Agricultural Economicsx  
Agricultural Teacher Educationx  
Agriculture, Generalx  
Agronomy and Crop Sciencex  
Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions, Otherx  
American/United States Studies/Civilizationx  
Animal Physiologyx  
Animal Sciences, Generalxx 
Animal/Livestock Husbandry and Production x 
Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations, General x 
Applied Mathematics, Generalx  
Art History, Criticism and Conservationx  
Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineeringx  
Biology/Biological Sciences, Generalx  
Business/Commerce, Generalx  
Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences, Otherx  
Chemical Engineeringx  
Chemistry, Generalx  
Childhood Educationx  
Civil Engineering, Generalx  
Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Generalx  
Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologistx  
Cognitive Sciencex  
Computer Engineering, Generalx  
Computer Sciencex  
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, Generalx  
Dramatic/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Otherx  
Economics, Generalx  
Electrical and Electronics Engineeringx  
Engineering Physics/Applied Physicsx  
Engineering, Otherx  
English Language and Literature, Generalx  
Environmental Studiesx  
Environmental/Environmental Health Engineeringx  
Finance, Generalx  
Fine Arts, Generalx  
French Language and Literaturex  
Gender and Women's Studiesx  
General Studiesx  
Geology/Earth Science, Generalx  
German Language and Literaturex  
Health/Health Care Administration/Managementx  
History, Generalx  
Horticultural Sciencexx 
Human Development and Family Studies, Generalx  
Industrial Engineeringx  
Italian Language and Literaturex  
Landscape Architecturex  
Latin American Studiesx  
Management Information Systems, Generalx  
Management Sciencex  
Manufacturing Engineeringx  
Marine Biology and Biological Oceanographyx  
Marketing/Marketing Management, Generalx  
Materials Engineeringx  
Mathematics, Generalx  
Mechanical Engineeringx  
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Otherx  
Music Teacher Educationx  
Music, Generalx  
Natural Resources/Conservation, Generalx  
Nutrition Sciences and Dieteticsx  
Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management, Generalx  
Pathology/Experimental Pathologyx  
Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration, Otherx  
Physical Education Teaching and Coachingx  
Physical Therapy/Therapistx  
Physics, Generalx  
Political Science and Government, Generalx  
Pre-Pharmacy Studiesx  
Psychology, Generalx  
Real Estatex  
Registered Nursing/Registered Nursex  
Spanish Language and Literaturex  
Special Education and Teaching, Generalx  
Speech Communication and Rhetoricx  
Statistics, Generalx  
Structural Biologyx  
Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technologyx  
Theatre Literature, History and Criticismx  
Urban Studies/Affairsx  

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