Online degree success

Melissa Nicholas pursued her PBA degree online

Online degree success

Get your degree online

I sold my successful home theater and security contracting business to stay home with my two young children, whom I homeschool. My husband and I both knew I would need to stay challenged to ensure peace in our home. I never finished my degree, so it became the opportune time for me to do so.

I had attended a local community college and was looking for a school where I could freely share my faith in a learning environment. PBA’s online program seemed tailored to my needs. The online program didn’t require I leave my family to attend classes. I also found out PBA is recognized as a stellar university in both religious and secular circles.

The online program at PBA was a great experience for me both personally and corporately. I was challenged but not overwhelmed. I worked with perseverance, and it paid off.

Getting your degree online is a confidence builder. Through class discussions, I’ve seen that I have valid statements to make and questions to ask. Students and faculty respond, and we learn together.

My husband and I founded a nonprofit organization called Building Our House. Our current goal is to expand the organization throughout the county. Building Our House teaches young women manners, etiquette and what it means to be a godly and virtuous woman in today’s culture. There is also a club in the works for young men, training them in chivalry, integrity and what it means to be a godly man. I’m also publishing a guidebook called “Divine Debutantes.” Eventually we hope to launch these programs nationally.

During my PBA studies, I was able to complete part of a business plan in the budget and analysis course. I read a book on nonprofit management for an assignment in the career assessment and planning course. I was easily able to incorporate my career interests into what I was learning in the classes.

My advice to students is to not be intimidated getting your degree online. Don’t think you lack the discipline to succeed without a traditional classroom. Your classmates and professors will help you and hold your hand when necessary. And you will make friends for life just as you might in a traditional setting.

In some ways you get to know your classmates and teachers better than in a traditional setting. In an online course, you have a conversation about a subject for an entire week. You can respond uninterrupted as you post your thoughts. The best part is that you can go to class whenever you want. Class is open 24/7 for your convenience. 

Palm Beach Atlantic’s online bachelor’s degree in organizational management allows you to connect to the university through your computer from anywhere in the world. In addition to the convenience and flexibility of studying for your bachelor’s degree online, you’re able to relate to your professors and classmates. You’ll gain the skills and knowledge you need to reach the next level in your career, plus gain an appreciation for values, faith and ethics in the workplace.

PBA offers you technical support whenever you need it. Find out more by calling (561) 803-2122 or (888) 458-6722. You can also visit


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