Applying to colleges and universities can be a tough time. There are so many things to worry about, from trying to maintain high enough grades to extracurricular activities to remembering enrollment dates and paying application fees. One thing you might not think about during your application process is that it would be a good idea to send in thank you letters, especially after entry interviews.
There are a number of benefits that you might see with these letters during your interview process.
Personal touch
The whole application process can be quite an impersonal one. Even though you are sending in so many application letters, you might never interact with a person until the possibility of an interview. By sending thank you letters after the interview, you are bringing back a sense of communication that reminds those involved in the process that you are not just a application number, but a person. It’s easy to lose sight of that during this busy time, but a simple reminder lets you and the other person know that there is more to you than just the numbers and grades. It can act as a way to reinforce your extracurricular activities and show you have so much more to offer.
Leaves a good impression
Adding to the fact that a letter is something more personal, this can leave a strong impression on those conducting your interview. It lets them know that you do have an interest in the school you are applying to and shows that you haven’t just sent out a bunch of letters in hopes to get in anywhere. If you do choose to send out a letter, be sure that you understand how to write a thank you note properly. The last thing you need to be doing is making it too personal. Keep a sense of professionalism when writing thank you letters. Tailoring your letter to the program and you’re fit for it, expressing your humility and thankfulness will also show that you do care about this application process.
Stand out
Sending a thank you letter can help you stand out from the crowd among those with similar qualifications. With school admissions, yes, you'll be considered based upon a combination of grades and extracurricular activities, but what happens when other students share similar grades and experiences. A simple gesture of writing a letter can help differentiate you from others, especially when things can get competitive. A thank you can go a long way, much further than you might give weight to. Schools often get large numbers of qualified candidates but are not sure who will go if admitted. Sending a thank you letter can signal that you are seriously considering the school.
A way to acknowledge low points or notes of the interview
Sometimes, you have to admit that your interview may not have gone to plan. You may have done a lot worse than you expected. That can be attributed to a lot of things, stress, nervousness, even familial issues or emergencies. A thank you letter can be a way to acknowledge the interview not being what you expected and addressing those particularly low points. It probably won’t be enough to sway most cases, but you never know who might be the interviewer in question, or how they may react to a letter.
It never hurts to send a thank you. As long as your note is thoughtful and well written, you can only better your case with one. If nothing else, you are simply thanking them for their time and the opportunity you were given.
Helpful tips
If you do decide to send out a thank you letter after your interview, there are a few things that you might want to consider.
? Keep your letter short, there is no need to send a novel to simply thank them for their time. Anything longer than a page will appear as though you have alternative intentions.
? You can reference your interview, but again, don’t over analyze it because that isn’t the point of the letter. You are simply reaching out again to be appreciative.
? Additionally, you'll want to make your points concise, if you take too long to say thank you and get to any important points, your addressed party will likely not care enough to read through any sort of fluff. Admissions interviewers are very, very busy especially during that time of year.
? If the letter was going to be mailed, a handwritten letter can show more personality and care, but be sure to make your writing legible. Unreadable writing will just be thrown out and be seen as a waste of time for all parties involved.
? And always remember that if you are going to send a letter, do so immediately, especially if you thought the interview went well. Make sure you send out your intended letter no longer than 48 hours after the interview took place to make sure your letter finds the right hands and they do not start to forget the interview.
Applying to colleges and universities can be a very busy time, and it is easy to want to do things as quickly as possible. But sending a thank you letter to your college admissions lets them know that you were willing to take the time to do so and that you are appreciative of the opportunity. A little personal touch never hurt the process. This is a great way to leave a lasting impression.