The university admission process, while tedious and time-consuming, can also be enjoyable and fascinating. Getting into top universities can be a competitive process as college admission rates for this year dropped to as low as 4.9%. For some years now the rates of college admission have been on a decline, compared to a steady rise in the number of applications to top universities. This means that students getting started on the important and relatively complicated process of college application have to present exceptional documents.
The personal statement is a critical component of university application that requires students to highlight their strong attributes and make a case as to why they ought to be considered. Given the importance of this document in boosting your admission prospects, we have decided to create a guide on how to get it right. In this article, we present recommendations on how to draft a spectacular personal statement.
What Is a Personal Statement and What Is Its Use?
When people think about what it takes to get admission into a top college, what often comes to mind is amazing grades and SATs. Of course, the figures and scores are very important when applying to university. However, increasingly, top institutions are looking for holistic candidates that meet the mission and culture of the respective colleges. Admissions officials also consider application aspects that cannot be easily quantified such as essays and hobbies.
When created well, the personal statement gives the student a chance to market his or her best attributes. It is an opportunity to highlight your inspirations, motivation, values, as well as how you communicate and follow instructions. Of course, the personal statement cannot get you a chance at your dream college in isolation. It works as an important component of the holistic application process that includes your grades and resume.
In the same way, an error-strewn and poorly drafted paper can really hurt your admission prospects. Remember, an expertly written document can be the difference between impressing the admission officials and your whole application being dismissed. Given the importance of this document, it may be a good idea to consider getting essay editing assistance from someone to review your statement.
How to Create a Winning Document
As has been indicated, the personal statement is a document that strengthens your college application, improving your image in the eyes of admissions officials. Don’t panic if you find this type of document challenging. Here how to craft a winning statement:
Highlight Your Attributes
Admissions officials want personal statements to show them what it is not possible to see from your academic grades, your personality and values. A mistake most students make when trying to show that they are passionate or special is to be redundant by stating what is already indicated in the application. Don’t waste your entire personal statement repeating what you have already indicated elsewhere in your application. Instead, take the personal statement as a chance to provide insight into something fresh and interesting about who you are.
An impressive paper could, for instance, indicate how your religion has shaped your views and values relating to education. You could also talk about a mentor who has assisted you to achieve your potential or how a specific event in your childhood shaped who you are. The most important thing is to allow the the admissions officials to learn more about your abilities and personality.
Understand What Is Required
The personal statement is unlike any paper you have finalized as a student. It has precise requirements, and demands brevity and coherence. Before you start writing, make sure that you understand the requirements. You ought to be telling the officials why you are an ideal candidate for their institution, given the many applications they will likely receive. Remember, you will only be submitting one statement for every college application, meaning that you should avoid mentioning specific universities.
Here’s how to find content:
• Consider the course descriptions for the program;
• Inform your audience why you are interested in the institution;
• Talk about ambitions and interests;
• Consider those attributes that make you a suitable candidate;
• Include information on your extracurricular participation like clubs and volunteering;
• Any skills you have developed.
To create a winning paper, you could address some special situations and how they have shaped your academic life. Maybe there was an event or situation that caused you to miss school. Or there is a situation that has affected your qualification opportunities and your course selection preferences. Mention such details in your personal statement, including any financial challenges that you have struggled with.
Take Time and Brainstorm Topics
To show something interesting and unique about yourself as a candidate, you ought to select a meaningful topic that will highlight your strengths. Don’t rush the topic selection process, as the personal statement could make or break your prospects. Most of the time, you will find a set of instructions for the personal statement, which should inform the topic you choose. Spend some time thinking about what matters to you and your values. Consider specific events, notable experiences, and themes that are unique and interesting.
Also, consider these tips:
• Choose your words and tone carefully;
• Avoid procrastinating and start writing as soon as possible;
• Be original and check your paper for plagiarism;
• Write the paper in your own voice.
Here, we have looked at some tips for students on how to perfect their statements when applying to top universities. Remember, you are the subject in this document, meaning that you need to present your strengths. Don’t hesitate to seek help with your application if you feel overwhelmed.